renewal vows

“Thank you so much for making our day extra special. We really appreciate all of the support and efforts to making out wedding ceremony so unique and memorable.” S&A

Thank you so much for meeting us. We came away feeling like you were genuinely interested in us and excited for our wedding and it really made a big difference; we were very nervous!

We simply cannot thank you enough for your help in having the type of ceremony we could have wished for.  It truly was the highlight of the day!  We also really enjoyed our meetings with you prior to the day.”

That moment has arrived! You and your partner have decided to make your relationship legal.  However, you want your wedding to be unique and reflect your relationship in all its aspects.  You want to have total control over the content and style of your ceremony, just like your wedding colours, the dress, the ushers’ outfits, the cake and the photographer.

You know you have to involve a registrar.   BUT…..

  • Do you feel restricted by the vows on offer?
  • Do you want to hold it in a venue that is not registered?
  • Do you want to hold it at a time that suits your guests?
  • Do you have quirky, romantic ideas that you would like to include?
  • Do you want the ceremony conducted by someone you have got to know and trust rather than a stranger?

Sand Ceremony 3(1) copy

I have performed at a number of weddings since 2014– and I love it! The ability to create an atmosphere between the couple and the guests, the warmth and intimacy of the occasion and the experience to help you choose the most appropriate vows and readings that reflect your love for each other and that reflect the quality of your relationship.  Each ceremony is totally different and that is why they have to be bespoke to you!

I will help you plan every aspect of the ceremony: readings, music, vows, and special elements like a Wine Ceremony, Jumping the Broom or a Hand Fasting.  Or perhaps you would like to include your family in the ceremony with a Unity Sand ceremony.

Whether you want your ceremony to be Piccadilly style or Glastonbury themed get in touch and we can start planning a bespoke, individual and personal wedding day.

Remember you will still need to have a registry office service to make your union legal. 

Planning, Practice, Perform – from £495

  • Initial Interview (1-2 Hours)
  • Draft Ceremony (4-5 Hours)
  • Venue Liaison / Visit (1-2 Hours)
  • Draft Order of Ceremony (1-2 Hours)
  • Second Interview – Agree Order of Ceremony & Modify Draft (1-2 Hours)
  • Final Draft (2-3 Hours)
  • Final Interview & Practice (2-3 Hours)
  • Officiate Ceremony (2-3 Hours)
  • Presentation Folder
  • Available for Photographs as required.

Special Ceremony Elements